Edinburgh College

Edinburgh College is one of UK’s largest colleges with around 19,000 students across 4 campuses in Edinburgh and the Lothians.

Offering a wide variety of vibrant vocational and academic courses, Edinburgh College provides flexible learning opportunities to suit all learning needs. The college offers over 700 courses from access to degree level and continuing professional development to help achieve the future career ambitions of its students.

We have established strong partnerships with employers and universities to create a connected community that provides our students with the best possible opportunities for employment or further study with many of our courses offering clear progression routes into university. This collaborative approach ensures we equip our students with the essential skills and knowledge to prepare them for a successful future and allows us to provide a highly skilled and motivated workforce.

In addition to our full-time and part-time courses, Edinburgh College also provides range of accredited training programmes for employers including marketing, management and leadership, accountancy, human resources, health and safety and trades training (electrical, gas and construction).

Our dedicated business development team also work with our experienced college staff to create customised training packages to meet organisation needs which can be built with bespoke content, delivery modes, duration and locations.

Contact enterprise@edinburghcollege.ac.uk to speak to a member of the business development team.