
Marketplace; improving engagement between Education and Employers

What is Marketplace?

‘Marketplace’ is an online digital platform which aims to improve engagement between employers and education.

Why do we need Marketplace?

The Scottish Government’s Commission for Developing the Young Workforce recommended more meaningful partnerships and stronger engagement between education and employers.

A clear need was identified to help Scotland’s young people have greater awareness of the options available by building their knowledge and understanding of the work place. Employers becoming more engaged with education establishments can shape their potential future workforce and talent. 

What are the business benefits? 

  • Get talented and work ready young people
  • Engage a potential future workforce
  • Be respected and be seen in a positive light
  • Raise brand profile
  • Raise industry appeal
  • Be responsible in the community
  • Satisfy corporate social responsibility asks

What can I get involved with? 

Skills session

Pupils and students learn a range of skills around employability, enterprise and confidence building including tips on how to find and keep a job. Outline what is required to work in your industry and the options available to them. 

Inspiration event

Bring industries to life. Offer site visits to your workplace, deliver workshops on specific jobs, run a competition or talk about a typical day in your sector. Young people will be inspired to explore their career options and raise their aspirations.

Career Insight

Explain job opportunities and routes into your sector at career events. Offer work placements to provide real-life experience of a sector. Or hold sessions with parents, carers and teachers to give them more knowledge of Scotland’s job landscape.

How to get involved:

To register your opportunities and get involved please visit here. 

We look forward to hearing from you to inform and inspire the young workforce of tomorrow.